The Homer Community Library adheres to the basic policies set forth in both the American Library Association's Bill of Rights and Code of Ethics.
If you reside in or own property within the city limits of Homer, your property taxes help support the Library and you are eligible for a library card at no extra cost. Just visit the Librarian person and present acceptable identification showing both your name and current residence. Non-residents who live in the Heritage School District may subscribe to the Library for $45 per year. This fee includes cards for all members of your household. Some Heritage School District residents may live in the Vance Township Library District or the Sidell Library District and you may be paying taxes and therefore eligible for a card through them.
Loan Periods & Renewals
Items Loan Period Maximum Renewals
Books 2 weeks 2
Audio books 2 weeks 2
Magazines 1 week 1
Music CDs 2 weeks 2
Movies/DVDs 1 week 2
New Release
Movies 2 days 1
If any item is requested by another borrower, it may not be renewed.
Quantity Limits
Items Limit
Books 20
Audio books 5
Magazines (current issues) 3
Magazines (past issues) 12
Music CDs 5
Educational Videos 3
Movies 3
You may renew items in person, by calling the librarian at 896-2121, or by emailing us at
Overdue Fees
Movies, STEM kits, music CDs, and audio books: $1.00 per day/per item.
Books and magazines: 10¢ per day/per item.
Inter-library loan: 50¢ per day/per item.
Borrowed items are stamped with the due date to help you return material on time. You may also request a printout of all your loans.
The Library also charges fees for the replacement of long overdue materials, damaged materials, and the replacement of items returned with missing contents. Please note: if library materials become long overdue, or an outstanding balance is substantial, library fees may be referred to a collection agency or the Homer Police Dept.
General Objectives
Part of the mission of the Homer Community Library is to ensure that the citizens of the village of Homer have free and open access to information and an impartial environment in which to explore the universe of ideas. To that end, the Library will protect intellectual freedom, promote literacy, encourage lifelong learning, and provide library materials and information resources. In providing the Internet as an information source, the Library’s goal is to enhance its existing collection in size and scope and, as a public access agency, provide the opportunity to navigate the Internet for any citizen who wishes to do so.
The Internet allows users to connect to networks of resources outside the Library. The Homer Community Library has no control over these resources nor does the Library have complete knowledge of what is on the Internet. Information on the Internet may be reliable and current or it may be inaccurate, out-of-date, or unavailable at times. Library patrons are encouraged to take advantage of the Internet and to exercise good judgment and discretion in their use of it. The Internet may contain material that is inappropriate for children. Parents are expected to monitor and supervise their children’s use of the Internet; the Library’s staff is not in a position to provide this monitoring and supervision.
Internet Access
Anyone may use the Homer Community Library’s computers to access the Internet provided the following conditions are met:
1. All users, including non-residents of the Village of Homer and parents or guardians of children under the age of 18, have signed a Homer Community Library Internet User’s Agreement.
2. Existing patrons, including their immediate families, do not owe fines exceeding $5.00 or have in their possession more than three past due items.
3. Children under 13 must be supervised at the computer by an adult or at the Librarian’s
4. The Librarian will hold a patron’s drivers license while they are using one of the Library’s laptops.
Staff Assistance
Staff will provide basic assistance for initial start up procedures. If patrons have never used computers or have specific questions about the Internet, the Library has books and reference materials available.
Time Limits
Computer usage is limited to two hours per day. If another patron is waiting to use a computer, the time limit is 30 minutes. Patrons must sign in with the staff before using the computer and sign out when they are finished. The Librarian may extend or deny usage at his/her discretion.
A printer is available for use by the patrons. Printing fees are $ 0.15 per each side of a page.
Patrons may not upload to the computer’s hard drive from any source. However, patrons may download to blank personal disks, flash drives, memory cards, or disks purchased from the Library for that purpose. The Library is not responsible for loss or damage to any patron owned storage device.
The Library does not offer electronic mail accounts. However, patrons with existing accounts may access them at the Library.
Patrons may not use personal software or alter or attach equipment to the Library’s hardware, with the exception of a camera.
Ethical Use
Internet computers may only be used for legal purposes. Unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to: harassment of other users; libeling or slandering others; destruction or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the Library or other users; disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications; unauthorized copying of copyright-protected materials; offensive messages or material; or using obscene language.
The Homer Community Library utilizes various social media applications* to keep the public informed about library events and topics. This also allows Homer Community Library patrons to interact with the library staff and other patrons to share information and opinions regarding library related subjects or issues. The Library’s social media sites are maintained or monitored by designated library staff.
Comments and postings from the public are allowed, but will be reviewed by library staff for content. Appropriate comments and postings must be relevant to the topic posted by library staff. Library staff reserves the right to review all comments and postings and delete inappropriate content. Inappropriate content includes (but is not limited to):
*Obscene, sexist, or racist content
*Harassing library staff or other social media users
*Libelous and slanderous statements
*Plagiarizing or posting copy-righted material without permission or authority
*Private, personal information of another person without appropriate consent or authority
*Comments, postings, and/or hyperlinks not related to the topic of the posting
*Commercial promotion, advertisement, or spam
*Photos or other images that fall in any of the above categories.
Homer Community Library is not responsible or liable for content posted by any subscriber or user of its social media sites.
By choosing to comment and/or utilize Homer Community Library social media sites, users agree to these rules.
*Facebook, Twitter, blogs and all other interactive online applications that facilitate the sharing of opinions and information.
For a complete list of Library policies please see our Library Policies Book which can be found in our reference section, or ask a librarian.